Dr Ntombekhaya Tshabalala

PhD,Managing Director at Imijeloyophuhliso Foundation, South Africa

Dr Ntombekhaya (‘Khaya) Tshabalala, PhD, is managing director at Imijeloyophuhliso Foundation, East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa and also works as a community engagement consultant, with community bsed groups, early childhood development centre managers, parents of children and youth with disabilities and collaborates with academic institutions and various organisations whose visions resonate with that of Imijelo. As a social entrepreneur, her major interest is contributing towards disability and financial inclusion.   ‘Khaya obtained her PhD in disability studies from the University of Capetown, focusing on parents experience in their disabled child’s inclusion and retention in public schools in Eastern Cape.  Her basic degree is in Social Sciences (psychology) and her masters of philosophy degree focused on housing and human environments.

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